Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Editing Lesson 6

In this session we discussed how Russian editors and film makers challenged what was happening in Hollywood which is influenced by Porter and Griffiths. 

Lesson Powerpoint

Lesson Vid

Editing Lesson 5

In this session the groups filmed a dialogue scene taken from Double Indemnity. We also discussed the audio and the questions I posed to the group are attached.

End of lesson vid

sound questions

Wednesday, 9 October 2013


In this session we discuss BITC (burnt in timecode) and TCIP (timecode in picture). These allow you to add a timecode which indicates to the viewer that your film is a rough cut and allows easy commentary from a director/producer.

See the following video clips from the lesson. Please work on the write up from the silent era as I would like a draft of your commentary next week. Please make sure you are attending lessons and contacting us when you are unable. It is important to follow up on what was missed so you don't fall too far behind. Email me if you have any questions.

Burnt in time code lesson video

Silent era questions video

Rashomon pacing video

Editing with sound powerpoint

Framing handout

Editing silent film questions