Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Lesson 4

In this session we looked at natural lighting and an example presentation. The presentation is just one way to present the information. Remember that Don will be asking you to clarify points and explain so ask me if there is anything you're not about.


Closing scene where father and son walk passed a new man carrying a box. 

Father and son – father is trying to hide the son as he has broken the law and it is close to his initiation to using the machine. 

Scenes of agents moving through the building looking for someone. They come to a door and knock – cut to black.

Opening scene, which establishes UWG and the machine and the world of the film. This scene will also introduce that agents are outside of the building.

Someone is obsessive about getting to machine in time so is standing there already waiting. Agents are making their way from the front entrance into the building. 

A person who has lives in the world and gets on with things and is closed minded to it all and therefore is smiling and keeping out of the way. 

A mum tiding away waiting to then use the machine. 

A person who is killed at the end. He doesn’t want to die but has done something minor wrong is going to die when he uses the machine.

Anti-agents help a person escape.

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